Saturday, December 3, 2016

Cool People and Their Blogs

Hey! Check out some of these blogs, it'll definitely be worth your time!

The Impact of the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion on Hearthstone meta

It was supposed to be the dawn of a new day, they said. Aggressive decks will finally meet their match, they said. Control decks will have their day in the sun once again, they said.

Or so they said.

If you have queued into any number of matches this season, you will find that everything they were saying is absolutely false. Whether you're getting completely blasted by Pirate Warrior or can't stop the flooding of the Hand Buff Paladin, you've surely learned that the control match-ups and value you've always dreamed of with the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion were nothing more than just that, a dream.

But how? How did this happen? So many new cards to prevent these aggro openings were released, but even the anti-aggro cards get steamrolled by what is a seemingly infinite amount of weapons and small minion value.

Well, one answer could be that all the new sets are still in play. This is a peculiar, amazing time to be a hearthstone player. In case you are new to Hearthstone and don't know what I'm talking about, allow me to explain. Hearthstone is a game that has all it's basic cards that were there upon release, and then adds flavor and variety by releasing new cards into the game. There are about four times a year where Hearthstone releases more cards, typically in either the expansion pack or adventuring fashion. But, each new expansion rotates out of Hearthstone after it has spent two years in the game.

So cut to right now. The oldest expansion, Blackrock Mountain, rotates out in January. The newest expansion, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, just came on the scene in the first of December. That means a whopping nine new expansions are being played in the current meta of Hearthstone right now.

So let's face it, aggro decks are not dead. But maybe, just maybe when Blackrock Mountain rotates out in December, control decks may stand a chance.